Who We Are

Our studio works on the result – it’s means that the head of each process are the business objectives of the client and all actions aimed at solving them. We work according to the algorithm:
Research ⇒ prototype ⇒ Design ⇒ Nesting ⇒ Programming ⇒ Content ⇒ Test ⇒ Run
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Web Packages

Basic Website – $299.99

5 Page Website + Contact Form + 5 Stock Photos
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Online Store – $499.99

Unlimited Categories and Products + Unlimited Pages + Free Domain Registration + Free SSL
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Why your business needs a website

Despite the ever-increasing importance of an online presence for businesses of all sizes and descriptions, many smaller businesses are not adjusting their strategy accordingly. In fact, according to a recent research report, a massive 60% of small businesses in the UK still have no online presence at all.

But why is this significant? Does it even matter?

Many small business owners view their business as a totally offline entity, pursuing traditional means to promote themselves and win new customers. However, regarding any business (from the largest enterprise to the sole trader, or anything in between) as purely offline is a risky strategy to take when your customers are spending more and more of their time online.
Harnessing the web as a business tool is important, even for businesses that may consider themselves as primarily offline. Beauty businesses, fitness businesses, plumbers, driving instructors and any number of other service businesses ultimately all measure success by their ability to build offline relationships – and the web can play a huge part in that. So no matter how established your businesses is offline, it’s crucial to get the basics of online in place.
As a small business, it’s unlikely you’ll have big budgets, staff or free personnel hours to invest in a complex online strategy, but there are certainly some simple steps you can take to start reaping the rewards that the web can bring.



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